Ben DiNucci

Overall Rank
6' 2"
210 lbs
Hand Size
Draft Pick
James Madison
Best Comparable Player
Bo Wallace
Workout Metrics
40-Yard Dash
Burst Score
Agility Score
Throw Velocity
Wonderlic Score
High School Metrics
College QBR
College YPA
Breakout Age

Ben DiNucci Season Stats

Year Games Atts Pass Yds Comp % YPA Rush Yds Pass TD Fantasy Pts/Game

Ben DiNucci Explosive Plays

Explosive Rating
Passing EPX
Rushing EPX
Explosive Plays

Explosive Play Rating (EPX) is a comprehensive rating of a player's explosiveness, factoring in per-play efficiency and total volume of explosive plays created. EPX is scaled so 100 is league-average at each position and blends passing, rushing, and receiving according to each player's usage. Pass plays over 20 yards or rush plays over 10 yards are considered explosive.

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Ben DiNucci Advanced Stats & Metrics

Passing Opportunity
Pass Atts Deep Ball Atts Red Zone Atts Team Pass Plays P/G Pace of Play Game Script Protection Rate
43 6 (2.0 p/g) 3 (1.0 p/g) 39.9 2.36 -4.70 86.0%
#50 #50 #57 #4 #1 #65 --
Passing Productivity
Passing Yards Air Yards Money Throws Pressured Throws Danger Plays Interceptable Passes Passing TDs
219 (73.0 p/g) 351 (117.0 p/g) 0 8 7 4 0
#57 #51 #60 #56 #44 #45 #62
YPA AY/A Air Yards Per Attempt Best Ball Pts Added Fantasy Points Per Dropback Fantasy Points P/G Expected Fantasy Points P/G
5.1 4.4 8.2 0.0 0.14 2.3 9.1 (-3.64 diff)
-- -- -- #42 -- -- --
Accuracy Rating True Comp % Deep Ball Comp % Pressure Comp % Play-action Comp % Red Zone Comp % Clean Pocket Comp %
6.6 60.5% 16.7% 25.0% 22.2% 66.7% 60.0%
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
True Passer Rating QBR EPA Production Premium EPX Receiver Target Separation Receiver YAC Per Target Drops
32.7 -4.1 +-24.9 1.44 3.29 3 (1.00 p/g)
-- -- #62 #63 -- #65 -- #49
Advanced Accuracy
Red Zone Accuracy Rating Deep Ball Accuracy Rating Pressured Accuracy Rating Clean Pocket Accuracy Rating Deep Ball Catchable Pass Rate Pressured Catchable Pass Rate Catchable Pass Rate
6.7 3.3 5.0 7.0 16.7% 37.5% 65.1%
-- -- -- -- -- -- #81
Advanced Rushing
Carries Carries Per Game Red Zone Carries RZ Carries P/G Rushing Yards Rush Yards P/G Rush TDs
6 2.0 0 0.0 22 7.3 0
#55 #43 #56 #54 #43 -- #39
Wk Opp Attempts Completion Percentage Passing Yards Yards Per Attempt Passing Touchdowns Rushing Yards Rushing Touchdowns Fantasy Points
7 WAS 3 66.7% 39 (36 air) 13.0 0 0 0 1.6 (#31)
8 PHI 40 52.5% 180 (315 air) 4.5 0 22 0 5.4 (#29)
6 ARI 0 0.0% 0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 (#33)

Box score statistics such as targets, yards, touchdowns, and fantasy points per target are updated the next day. Advanced stats and metrics are updated later in the week during the NFL season.

Value Over Stream


Value Over Stream: Valuation scheme calculates a player's fantasy pts/game over the average waiver wire replacement in standard fantasy league formats during either the current season (or previous year during the offseason) and adjusts for positional bust rates. VOS rank in parenthesis spans all positions, enabling player comparisons across QB's, RB's, WR's, and TE's.


Passing Attempts


Completion Percentage


Fantasy Points

Ben DiNucci News & Analysis

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Ben DiNucci Injury History

No reported injuries